It was an election night that sometimes seemed like a crawl instead of a race, but in the end ballots were counted and candidates knew where they stood as the General Election looms in April.

In the City Council race which has all three incumbents running, it was an outsider, Bob Frutos, who was the only candidate to receive more then 50% of the vote was elected outright to a four-year term starting in May.
Councilmen Dr. David Gordon, Jess Talamantes and Dave Golonski all received less then 50% of the vote and will compete with David Nos for the two remaining seats which means at least one and maybe two current councilmen could be voted out of office.
Tuesday’s win was vindication for Frutos, who lost in the General Election two years ago to Emily Gabel-Luddy by the slim margin of 86 votes. Weeks later, the Council voted 3 to 2 (with Gary Bric and David Gordon voting no) to remove the long time Los Angeles Police Officer off of the Burbank Police Commission in a move that many believed was in retaliation for his council campaign with Gabel-Luddy, Talamantes and Golonski all voting to oust him.
In the Burbank School Board race, incumbent Larry Applebaum received more votes then any other candidate as he picked up 4,451 votes but did not cross the 50% threshold meaning that he will move to the April General Election. In a heated race for second place, only 166 votes separated Charlene Tabot, Steve Ferguson and David Dobson who will all join Applebaum in the April contest for two open seats. Armond Aghakhanian just missed the run-off by a 119 votes.
Zizette Mullins received over 50% of the vote and was elected City Clerk while Debbie Kukta ran unopposed. Both were appointed last year by the City Council.
There were a total of just 9.811 votes cast in the all-mail election, although many ballots were walked into five locations in the final few days which led to delays in counting ballots Tuesday night.
Unofficial Election Returns
42 out of 42 Precincts Reporting (9,811 ballots counted)
City Council
*Bob Frutos 5232
#Dr. David Gordon 4670
#Jess Talamantes 4319
#Dave Golonski 4089
#David Nos 3144
Juan Guillen Jr. 2485
School Board
#Larry Applebaum 4451
#Charlene Tabet 3008
#Steve Ferguson 3002
#David Dobson 2842
Armond Aghakhanian 2723
City Clerk (8746 Votes Cast for City Clerk)
*Zizette Mullins 4403
Gloria Salas 2676
Nonna von Sonn 1667
City Treasurer (6959 Votes Cast for City Treasurer)
*Debbie Kukta 6959
*elected to office
#moves to General Election
[…] Links: BurbankNBeyond Election coverage […]
So how do you contact this guy? It seems he’s as inaccessible as the rest of the council members..I cannot find any email or number related to him.
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