Bob Hope Airport Opens Bids for New Transportation Center

View of RITC from Hollywood and Empire Ave looking west
View of RITC from Hollywood and Empire Ave looking west

The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority opened bids yesterday for a 21st Century, sustainable intermodal transportation facility that will be among the first of its kind. Bids were competitive and appear to be within budget, allowing the project to receive further consideration by the Authority.

McCarthy Building Companies has been identified as the apparent low bidder with a bid of $72,683,000 for the construction of the Regional Intermodal Transportation Center (RITC), which is comprised of a consolidated rental car facility and a bus transit facility. Ancillary components include an elevated walkway, site work, off-site improvements and site preparations for a separately procured design-build replacement parking structure.

Bomel Construction Company was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the replacement parking structure with a bid of $8,496,000 (bids were opened on January 12, 2012). The Authority’s construction budget for the combined project components is $93 million, and these two bids represent favorable results. The next step in the process is evaluation of the responsiveness of the McCarthy bid, and subsequent issuance of bonds. Groundbreaking is slated for June 2012.

“The RITC combines the latest in seismic technologies with environmentally-sensitive mass transit and individual transportation solutions, creating a green Tri-City gateway upon which to build for

View of Customer Service Building and Consolidated Rental Car Facility looking east from Empire Ave.

tomorrow,” said Dan Feger, Executive Director of the Bob Hope Airport. “This intermodal facility, targeted to achieve a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, actually embodies the phrase ‘planes, trains and automobiles,’” Feger added.

Upon completion in mid-2014, the RITC will provide seamless connectivity for airport passengers, train passengers, bus transit passengers, rental car customers, and bicyclists. In addition, because the structure is being placed on base isolators, users of the facility will be protected from the effects of a major seismic event, and the facility will have the capacity to serve as a command center for emergency operations.

Details about the project components are as follows:

Regional Intermodal Transportation Center (RITC) – This 520,000 square foot structure will accommodate nine rental car brands (Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Fox, Hertz, National and Midway) currently serving Bob Hope Airport customers. The three-level Consolidated Rental Car Facility will provide easy access ready return space, quick turn-around maintenance bays, fueling and car wash capabilities on each level, as well as a customer service building.

A Bus Transit Facility will accommodate local and regional transit vehicles. The open air design will be the architectural feature of the structure complemented by 16 three-story art panels which will enhance the passers-by experience. As a result of a partnership with the City of Burbank, solar panels generating about 1.5 megawatts of clean energy will be installed on top of the RITC, which is consistent with the City’s compliance with sustainable energy goals set for 2030.

Elevated Walkway – This 19-foot high covered elevated walkway will connect the RITC and the airport terminal with moving sidewalks that span 1,100 feet and allow for safe and efficient transport of airport passengers to the terminal and a ground transport center where off-airport shuttles will offer service to hotels and public transportation facilities such as the Burbank Metrolink Station and the North Hollywood Red Line Station. The transport center will also provide bicycle storage areas.

View of RITC, Customer Service Building looking southeast

Replacement Parking Structure – This five-level facility will replace approximately 1,043 parking spaces that will be lost by the combined footprints of the RITC and the Elevated Walkway.

Site Work – This element consists of underground utilities infrastructure work, relocations of wet and dry utilities, and hardscape and landscape work (the landscape plan is subject to final approval and acceptance by the Burbank City Council).

Off-Site Improvements – These improvements include the installation of new traffic signals, synchronization of traffic signals, a new pedestrian crosswalk and off-airport signage.

The Architect of Record for this project is Pierce Goodwin Alexander & Linville (PGAL) headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with offices in Los Angeles. Other Design Team members include Miyamoto International, PBS Engineers, John W. Cruikshank Consultants, Blymyer Engineers and Anil Verma Associates. The Program Manager is gkkworks/STV, with assistance from Del Richardson Associates, Elkin Construction Services, and Heritage Tree Films.

Notices to proceed are anticipated to be issued by June 1, 2012 with a 24-month construction schedule. An Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) is in place for the project and the management consultants are committed to SAFETY FIRST!

    Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center