Boy Scouts and American Legion to place American Flags on Veterans Graves

Photo courtesy of Jim Etter of Scout Troop 201

On Friday, May 25th, local Boy Scouts and the American Legion Post 150, will join forces to lay thousands of American Flags on Veterans Graves at Pierce Brothers, Valhalla, Memorial Park, located at 10621 Victory Boulevard in No. Hollywood. Pierce Brothers which lay half in Burbank and Half in No. Hollywood, has stood as a beacon to the commencement of Memorial Day activities for more than 14 years.

The community is invited to participate in this program, where a sea of flags wave at the end of the afternoon event, drawing particular attention to those who have given their lives in the sake of freedom for this country.

Boy Scout Troop 201, assisted by Troop 210, Local Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts will step off at 5PM/sharp with honors to our flag in ceremony. Opening Prayer will be offered up by Pastor Paul Clairville of the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Burbank.

Many Military Veterans from the local area will be in attendance and assist in the laying of thousands of American Flags. The Public is invited to participate.

Photo courtesy of Jim Etter of Scout Troop 201

A intense moment will be the retirement of a American Flag by fire. Boy Scouts from 201 have been the cornerstone of this event for many years, having retired thousands of tattered American Flags. One memorable such flag was left on the doorstep of the former Scoutmaster of Troop 201, with a simple note which read. “This flag was flown over the troops in Iraq, where my son of age 22 was killed” . “I cry whenever I look at it, so it needs to be honorably retired in the name of all those who gave sacrifice for this country”. “Please do this with honors, prayers, my appreciation and a tear.”

The Scouts did honor this request and retired the smudged flag. Afterwards, the note was tossed into the fire, as more than 100/Scouts and Parents watched the burning flag retreat to dust, in glory and sacrifice.

Such moments are often the case with all Boy Scouts. Troop 201 of Burbank will be going to the top of the Ridge Route again this year. Over the week-end, they will retire another hundred flags. Some with attached notes, and others with UN-told stories.

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