Burbank Armenian Association Announces Launch Event


The Burbank Armenian Association (BAA) is pleased to announce its official launch event, “Building Success Through Resilience,” to be held on Saturday, April 15, from 1-4 PM at Nexus Auto Group.

As a 501c(3) non-profit, non-political organization, the BAA is committed to bridging the gap between the Armenian community and the City of Burbank. The launch event will feature a networking/social hour, Armenian-owned businesses, and a speaker panel with distinguished leaders across various sectors.

The speaker panel will include the following individuals:

Anna Mouradian, Chief Of Staff to Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Los Angeles County 5TH District

Dr. Lina Acopians M.S., D.O., Internal Medicine, Chief Resident Physician at Huntington Hospital, an affiliate of Cedars Sinai

Philippe Eskandar, Deputy City Manager of the City Of Westlake Village and Board Chair of Burbank Water and Power

Tony Garibian, Vice President of Coast Hotels, Burbank, and Board of Directors for Golden State Bank.

Jamie Keyser-Thomas, CEO of the Burbank Chamber of Commerce, will moderate the panel discussion. Elected officials from Burbank and the surrounding communities, entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals are expected to attend the event.

“We are thrilled to launch the Burbank Armenian Association and showcase the resilience and success of our community,” said Romik Hacobian, President of BAA. “Our organization aims to strengthen the relationship between the Armenian community and the City of Burbank, and we believe this event is a great first step.”

The launch event is free and open to the public. To register and learn more about the Burbank Armenian Association and the launch event, please visit www.burbankarmenianassociation.org.


    1. “…bridging the gap between the Armenian community and the City of Burbank” What Gap? The city already bends over backwards for this group and has done so for decades.

      • The city has bent over backwards? How so? Do you realize how much tax revenue our wonderful Armenian community is contributing to this city? The city itself was an average city back when I moved in 35 years ago. In a short time this city bloomed and is following the footsteps of our affluent City of Glendale next door, thanks to Armenians. Everything Armenians touch turns into gold, “Joel Schlossman.”

    2. Protected speech is alive and well. That said, it is divisive for our government and local business community to hyper-focus on ethnic groups, in my opinion. No accommodation, grant, support, or opportunity of any kind provided for by tax or ratepayers should be based on ethnic group or ethnic representation.

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