Burbank Begins Search for Permanent Police Chief

Keynote Speaker Burbank Police Chief Scott LaChasse.(Photo by Ross A. Benson)

The City of Burbank is beginning the process of hiring a permanent Police Chief. Chief Scott LaChasse has served as the City’s Interim Police Chief for the last two and a half years.

“The Chief was originally hired for a six month assignment, but it became obvious that we had hired someone with the expertise and vision to make long lasting change that will benefit the citizens of Burbank for years to come,” says Burbank City Manager Michael Flad. “Chief LaChasse did an incredible job stabilizing a department in crisis.”

Interim Burbank Police Chief Scott LaChasse has held the job for 2 1/2 years. Burbank is now starting the search for a Permanent Chief(Photo by Ross A. Benson)

Since his arrival in January, 2010, the 32-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department has accomplished a myriad of goals that include: assembling a top level command staff, reorganizing the department’s organizational structure, implementing an accountability system, creating external oversight, updating the use of force policy, and improving officer training.

“Chief LaChasse exceeded our expectations, moving the department to a dramatically better position than when he arrived,” says Flad. “His achievements allow us to take the time necessary to hire a qualified permanent replacement.”

Chief LaChasse will continue to serve as interim Chief until the search for a new Police Chief is complete.

Drew Sugars of the Burbank Public Information Office did not say if LaChasse would seek the position permanently.