Burbank Business Partners to Help Schools with Matching Funds


Burbank Business Partners is encouraging the Burbank community to donate to the three schools participating in the Support Burbank Schools campaign—Disney Elementary, Providencia Elementary, and Jordan Middle School—by matching total donations of up to $500 for each school as part of the Back to School Night Online Donation Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to raise $1,000 per school, for a total of $3,000, by the end of the schools’ Back to School Nights. The funds raised will help support programs, field trips and the purchase of supplies for Burbank students.Print

Burbank parents, businesses and residents can donate online to the school or schools of their choice by visiting each school’s donation webpage before the Back to School Night deadlines. Disney and Providencia will hold their Back to School Nights on Thursday, August 27, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Jordan’s Back to School Night will take place on Wednesday, September 2, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Support Burbank Schools campaign is designed to raise awareness of school needs across the Burbank community, with the recognition that parents alone cannot be expected to provide the additional funds, goods and volunteer services Burbank schools need to ensure a dynamic learning environment for all students. The campaign is part of a community-wide effort by Burbank Business Partners, an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the need for everyone in the community, including parents, neighbors and local businesses, to support all Burbank schools, public and private.

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