Corby Segal Wins Burbank City Amateur Golf Championship at DeBell Golf Club

Corby Segal of Burbank (center) is presented the trophy for the 2012 Burbank City Amateur Championship by DeBell's Head Gold Professional Joaquin Herbozo (left) and DeBell's Director of Golf, Scott Scozzola (Photo By Craig Sherwood)
Corby Segal of Burbank (center) is presented the trophy for the 2012 Burbank City Amateur Championship by DeBell’s Head Gold Professional Joaquin Herbozo (left) and DeBell’s Director of Golf, Scott Scozzola (Photo By Craig Sherwood)

By Dick Dornan
BurbankNBeyond Sports Editor

The 2012 Burbank City Amateur Golf Championship was captured by Corby Segal who shot a three-day total of 205 (68, 72, 65). He dominated the field winning by eight strokes. Jonathan Taylor finished in second with a 213 (75, 67, 71). Defending champion Jon Levitt placed fifth with a score of 218 (72, 69, 77).

Matt Johnson of DeBell Golf Club works on the leaderboard results of the 2012 Burbank City Amateur Golf Championship (Photo By Craig Sherwood)

More than 35 players competed for the trophy.

“I felt really positive about it. It was a well run event,” said Scott Scozzola, Director of Golf and Tournament Chairman at DeBell Golf Club. “The numbers have grown over the years and it’s great to see that. It’s a competitive tournament in Burbank.”

The Championship Flight is an open flight (no age limit, men or women) conducted over 54 holes. There were 36 qualifying holes on Friday, Oct. 19 and Saturday, Oct. 20 and the low 32 and ties played the final 18 holes on Sunday, October 21.

Here are the final scores of the Championship Flight:


Segal, Corby687265205
Taylor, Jonathan756771213
Livesay, Guy706975214
Shou, Joshua757168214
Levitt, Jon726977218
Rodriguez, Jacob727868218
Fukaya, Etsuyuki766776219
Baker, Don727771220
Gillenwater, Lorenzo767569220
Valerio, Bob747572221
Forrester, Greg766879223
Pouliot, Dan747673223
Shonka, Leonard717577223
Desario, Greg797174224
DeSilva, Kyle787472224
Amirkhizi, Brennan767476226
Hall, Cody807274226
Harper, James757874227
Kim, Eric747578227
Lako Losarah, Tongun727481227
Overton, Andy737975227
Danzeisen, Kelsey747976229
Michals, Jerry717880229
Smith, Sean767479229
Thomas, David777478229
Wagner, Steve797676231
Taylor, McCauley767878232
Kras, Dan767879233
Osment, Michael757979233
Ojeda, Clayton768080236
Dougherty, Steve817483238
Peters, Tony787882238
Giapapas, Ernest807688244

Individual Gross Summary

Ladies Flight Gross

RankScore Player
1176Eriko Hirano
2193Sandra Pessaro
3202Katherine Thompson
4226Barbara Osborn

Individual Net Summary

Ladies Flight Net

RankScore Player
1162Katherine Thompson
2163Sandra Pessaro
3166Eriko Hirano
4180Barbara Osborn

Individual Net Summary

Flight A (5-8 HDCP)

RankScore Player
1134Jeff Fitch
2138Sam Mollaun
3149Douglas Daniel
  Michael Harnett
5154Evan Winograd
  Rob Moore
7155Kevin Brown
8160Brian Duensing
9161Martin Colbert
10166Tranquilino Bangis
11178Brian Czerniak
1277Paul Kerdpinyo

Individual Net Summary

Flight B (9-12 HDCP)

RankScore Player
1138Tony Ballesteros
2139Michael Gitomer
  Mericio Ortega
4143Lee Scott
5146Eric Limcaco
6148Thomas Hart
7150Jerry Piro
  Tim Clark
  Brandon Shafer
10151Curtis Woolley
11152Fred Gatlin
12153Scott Hess
13155Shaheen Ahmed
14160Robert Gunnell
15162Michael Cooper
16164Dan Challgren
17166Norman Cuttler
18170Roel Astacaan
19171Noly Ancheta
2088Bill Anderson
2195Adam Younger

Individual Net Summary

Flight C (13-16 HDCP)

RankScore Player
1132Partha Rangarajan
2141Stan Dubois
3145Joe Kronlund
4147Steve Blackman
  Jim Munyon
6149Carlos Casanova
7151Robert Glaessner
8152Cliff Skillings
9154Mark Muir
  Steve Frohmuth
11158Kevin Jenney
12168Enrique Benitez
1367Kevin Bartley

Individual Net Summary

Flight D (17-20 HDCP)

RankScore Player
1147Michael Valentino
2148Mike Machado
3150Richard Trejo
4153Raymond Cappocchi
5160Neil Staff
6173Ronald Hansen
7177Alex Alvarez
8188Jose Rivera







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