Burbank City Council Actions This Week, Including Buying Salvation Army Site


On Tuesday, May 19, the Burbank City Council decided the following including the purchase of the old Salvation Army site at Angeleno and Third Street.

1. The Council granted an easement of 2.5 feet for the properties at 733 Priscilla Lane and 528 S. Griffith Park Drive for resident improvements after a public hearing by a 5-0 vote.

2. City Council introduced an Ordinance to amend Burbank Municipal Code (BMC) Section 10-1-1114 (Art in Public Places). This is a first reading of the proposed ordinance.

The proposed Zone Text Amendment is intended to provide updates to the City’s Art in Public Places Ordinance that would eliminate outdated definitions and language in the current Ordinance. In addition, the revisions are intended to clarify which development projects are exempt, the quality of public art projects, and maintenance procedures for owners to maintain installed art pieces in a state of good repair.

The Council questioned the one year period of replacement and any obstacles to affordable housing developers in regard to placing art. After deliberation they voted for the ordinance to continue by a 5-0 vote.

3. The Council also listened and approved the 2020 Investment Policy and reviewed the City Treasurer’s Investment Portfolio Report for March 31, 2020.

4. The Council discussed the City of Burbank’s Economic Recovery Plan Goal and Policies.

There was a discussion about how the City can help Burbank residents and businesses during the COVID-19 crisis that has hit the country. According to the Council Agenda, these were the following areas discussed by the Community Development Department.

  • Accessing and sharing information about recovery efforts and funding for residents, business owners, and employees while collaborating with our governmental, non-profit, and business partners.

  • Promoting businesses within the City to residents, visitors, and other businesses.

  • Assisting the most vulnerable members of the community with financial support through the use of Eviction Orders, grants, Federal funding, and partnership with service organizations.

  • Implementing the use of online tools for streamlined project review and permit processing. 

  • Updating regulations and policies to enable business success and home improvements in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.

  • Helping Burbank’s tourism industry recover by promoting and marketing our hotels, restaurants, the Hollywood Burbank Airport, and other local destinations.

  • Collaborating with our government representatives at the County, State and Federal levels to promote economic recovery while directly supporting our businesses and residents. 

Council discussed ways that they were possibly able to help local businesses, workers who may now work from home, and even closing streets for social distancing rules. There was a real concern for restaurants and also how to get help to businesses.

 Patrick Prescott from the City of Burbank says that they are already looking at making some adjustments to the Downtown area to help the businesses. As Council Member Emily Gabel-Luddy said at the end of the presentation “This will be a work in progress”

The Council voted 5-0 to accept the presentation. You may read the Staff report HERE 

5. The Council discussed using block grant money from the CARES Act funding to be used under CDBG funding as support to both renters and small businesses.

The Council voted 5-0 to approve the City to set up both Business and Renter/Landlord assistance programs through the grant money. They expect to have a program in place in early June. A program rollout will be announced at that time.

6. The Council passed 5-0 a proposal to use Community Block Grant Funds to purchase the old Salvation Army site at 300 E. Angeleno. The funding that was originally to be used to build the Boys and Girls new clubhouse a Providencia Elementary School will now be used to purchase the building that the Salvation put on the market earlier this year.

7. The Council also dealt with the Employee Pensions. With the passage of Measure P by the voters, the Council reported that the groups have now held up their share of the pension programs.