Burbank’s city hall Council has approved the urgency ordinance that has extended the eviction prohibiting the eviction of residential and commercial tenants for non-payment of rent caused by the coronavirus. The Council vote was 5-0 with a 4/5 vote needed for approval.
This will extend the City’s order that expired in May until the end of June and was retroactive to the time of the last ordinance that had expired. The Council will continue to look at the issue and try and stay in step with both County and State guidelines.
While the eviction ordinance has been extended until the end of June, the Rent Repayment Ordinance remains in effect that allows for the repayment of back rent due, late fees, and penalties to November 30, 2020. There was no discussion of extending that deadline at this time.
On March 17, 2020, the City Council adopted a resolution confirming the existence of an emergency based on the Coronavirus and revised it. On May 5, the City Council voted to reconsider its decision of April 21, when they had decided not to extend the City’s Ordinance and approved by a 4/5 vote to extend Urgency Eviction Ordinance to May 31, 2020, retroactive to May 1, with modifications for commercial tenants.