Soon if you want to travel up Castleman from Lamer, you are going to run into a security guard stopping you at the gates.
The City Council voted 5-0 to continue the process of letting gates and a guard shack installed.
According to the staff report, the homeowners are requesting approval to remove a condition in place and allow gates at the two vehicle entrances to the Burbank Hills subdivision.
The gates would be placed at the main entrance located on Castleman Lane and a second entrance located on Wedgewood Lane. Security personal would be on hand 24 hours a day.
This is the fourth request for gates at the entrances which were denied as part of the original Tract Map request made in 1987 due to public opposition to the project.
The condition was one of many conditions imposed and it was represented to neighbors that the conditions would remain as legal obligations.
A second request for the gates was made in 1997 and it was denied because the City Council found that the concerns were still valid. The third request was made in 2010 with the inclusion of new gate technology to address emergency access concern. The City Council again denied the proposal.