Burbank Congressional Delegation Working to Secure Airport Curfew


In the City of Burbank’s continuing effort to secure a curfew at Bob Hope Airport, the City is pleased that three local Congressmen have formally announced today their intention to introduce the Valley-Wide Noise Relief Act which would allow a curfew at the Bob Hope and Van Nuys Airports.
The Congressional delegation representing the area affected by the airport (Congressman Brad Sherman, Congressman Howard Berman, and Congressman Adam Schiff) sent a letter today to the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee asking to have curfew language introduced when the FAA Reauthorization bill is prepared.

“We are very grateful for the continuing efforts of Congressmen Schiff, Sherman and Berman to secure federal legislation on this important issue,” says City Manager Michael Flad.  “Our elected officials continue to show their commitment and understanding of the decades-old need for nighttime noise relief.”

In late 2009, the FAA rejected the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority’s application to impose a nighttime curfew at the Bob Hope Airport.  With the support of the Authority, the City has been working with the Congressional delegation on federal legislation to allow the Authority to impose a curfew despite the FAA’s decision.

In addition, the City of Burbank teamed with the City of Los Angeles to seek an exception from federal law to allow a local curfew at both Bob Hope and Van Nuys Airports.  The legislation would apply only to these two airports, in recognition of their sustained work to secure a curfew.  It would allow the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority to adopt the same curfew that it proposed in its application to the FAA and would allow Los Angeles World Airports to adopt a similar curfew at Van Nuys.

“We look forward to working with our partners and devoted Congressmen to ensure passage during this session of Congress,” said Flad.