Burbank Coordinating Council Holds First Meeting Of Season, Plans Holiday Baskets


The Burbank Coordinating Council holds its first meeting of their 88th year on Monday, October 7, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Little White Chapel in Burbank.

The long-running aid organization plans to honor their Campership program partners and camp directors, as well as kick off the upcoming Holiday Baskets season, according to the organization’s president and co-chair of the Holiday Baskets program, Janet Diel.

Celebrating at Burbank Coordinating Council’s 81st anniversary luncheon are, from left, Joan Graves, program chairwoman; Burbank Mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy, and President Janet Diel. (Photo By Joyce Rudolph )

At the first meeting, Burbank Coordinating Council (BCC) will also welcome new and returning members over a luncheon. Membership is $20 per individual and $30 per organization, and lunch is $13.

“We need helpers for collecting food and gift items at stores on October 12, November 16 and December 7… and of course filling bags of food items on Wednesday, December 11, and delivering on Saturday, December 14 from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.,” she added.

BCC will also hold their fourth annual Spirit of Giving luncheon on Friday, November 8, at Burbank First Presbyterian Church, located at 521 E. Olive Avenue in Burbank. Tickets are $65 and can be purchased via paypal through the BCC website here.

“We will proudly be honoring both Charlene Tabet and National Charity League for their continuous and dedicated participation in the Holiday Basket program,” said Diel.

“Join the event for opportunity baskets, entertainment, delicious luncheon and of course honoring our amazing Holiday Basket contributors.”

Volunteers put together Burbank Holiday Baskets. (Photo Courtesy Burbank Coordinating Council)

Applications and and donor forms to contribute to or apply for aid via the Holiday Baskets program are attached to this article and are also available throughout Burbank at schools, libraries and parks.

BCC also offers service learning hours for students who volunteers their time helping out, Diel mentioned.

The Little White Chapel, host to the first meeting on October 7, is located at 1711 N. Avon Street. More information on the BCC can be found on their website.