Burbank Coordinating Council Holiday Baskets Program Asks For Donations And Volunteers


The Burbank Coordinating Council Holiday Baskets program is underway, with food and toy drives currently being held in local schools. On Saturday, December 6, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., the Burbank Coordinating Council (BCC) conducts its annual December donation drive at 12 stores throughout Burbank.

In addition to donations needed to fulfill over 500 holiday baskets for local families in need, BCC are asking for volunteers to help collect donations on Saturday. For Burbank high school students in need of service hours, volunteering with the BCC is a great way to help out and fulfill graduation requirements, said Janet Diel, BCC President and co-chair of the Holiday Baskets program.

Food donations for Burbank Coordinating Council Holiday Baskets in this photo from December 2013. (Photo By Ross A. Benson)
Food donations for Burbank Coordinating Council Holiday Baskets in this photo from December 2013. (Photo By Ross A. Benson)

“You can work a 2, 4, 6, or 8 hour shift collecting food outside one of 12 stores in the city,” Diel said. “So many families would go without food and gifts for their holiday without you! Come and join us and you will always be glad you did.”

BCC began the annual Holiday Baskets program in 1936 as a way of helping local families celebrate the Christmas season with food and gifts.

“It takes everyone working together to make this tremendous project happen each year,” Diel said. “There are so many ways and days to help — pick one or pick all. Don’t miss the chance to come and ‘feel good’ being a donor or volunteer. It is an experience you will always remember.”

On Wednesday, December 10, volunteers gather at the Little White Chapel to pack food bags between 3:00 and 9:00 p.m. On Friday, December 12, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., volunteers are needed to move the food bags from the Little White Chapel to Washington Elementary School.

Firefighters prepare to deliver holiday packages. (Photo Courtesy of Burbank Coordinating Council)
Firefighters prepare to deliver holiday packages. (Photo Courtesy of Burbank Coordinating Council)

That same day, Friday, December 12, volunteers are needed to build un-adopted baskets at Washington Elementary School in the auditorium from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m.

While many local service groups and businesses adopt entire families and donate pre-packaged baskets, there are still many baskets to be packed for all of the applicant families.

Saturday, December 13, is delivery day for the baskets and the BCC needs help between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

“If you are still wanting to adopt a family or donate to the program, please go to our website at www.burbankcoordinatingcouncil.org for more details and the donor form to fill out and email back to us at ccholidaybaskets@aol.com,” added Diel. “Or, call us anytime at (818) 216-9377 or (818) 238-7647.”

Those wishing to volunteer on Saturday, December 6, for the food drive are asked to call Barbara Salamon (818) 843-7571  for details and a store assignment.

Diel also encourages school children throughout Burbank and their families to turn in donations for classroom food drives, currently being held a schools in the Burbank Unified School District.