Burbank Coordinating Council Shares List Of Pandemic Resources


As the Burbank Coordinating Council gears up for another season of providing support for Burbank children and families, the organization has released a list of resources for Burbank families and individuals who may be affected by the ongoing pandemic shutdown and restrictions.

BCC recommends those in need of resources to visit covid19.Ca.gov for a large, updated list of information about statewide services, restrictions and guidelines. City of Burbank updates are available by visiting their website at burbankca.gov.

During business hours, Monday through Friday, people can call the Burbank Public Library at 818-238-5580 to speak with a local Burbank person about available resources.

In Burbank, the Library system, Boys and Girls Club and the City of Burbank Parks, Recreation and Community Services are all offering assistance, according to BCC.

Free meals are available for all Burbank Unified School District students through the end of December 2020. Call BUSD Food Services for more information at 818-729-4539 or read more here.

Burbank Unified posts updates from Superintendent Matt Hill regularly on their website here.

Mental health support is available from the Family Service Agency by calling 818-845-7671 or visiting their website here.

Centers for Disease Control updates on COVID-19 are available here.

Updates for L.A. County Public Health can be viewed here.

Information on County of Los Angeles COVID-19 testing sites can be found here.

BCC notes that a Burbank COVID-19 Support Group on the Next Door app platform provides information and lists people offering to help their neighbors by running errands and shopping.

The City of Burbank manages several volunteer and outreach programs including Project HOPE, which pairs seniors with volunteers to help run errands and provide companionship via the Joslyn Center. Sign up to be a volunteer or a recipient by calling 818-238-5370 or learn more online here.

Burbank Coordinating Council also shared a list of local organizations providing support and assistance:


Organization: Burbank Temporary Aid Center

Goals Supported: Emergency Services and food bank

Location: 1304 W. Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91506

Contact: Barbara Howell, CEO BHowell@thebtac.org


Organization: Streetplus

Goals Supported: Homeless Services

Location: City-wide

Contact: Robert Newman 818-397-3798 rnewman@streetplus.net


Organization: Ascencia

Goals Supported: Homeless Services

Location: City-wide

Contact: Laura Duncan, Executive Director 818-246-7900 LDuncan@ascenciaca.org


Organization: All inclusive Community Health Center

Goals Supported: Health Services

Location: 1311 N San Fernando Boulevard, Burbank, CA 91504

Contact: Marine Dzhgalyan, MD admin@allinclusivechc.org


Organization: Volunteers of America of Los Angeles

Goals Supported: Employment and Training for the homeless

Location: 401 N Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91505

Contact: Bridgette Barker, Program Manager bbarker@voala.org


Organization: Southern California Housing Rights Center

Goals Supported: Fair Housing Counseling

Location: City-wide

Contact: Chancela Al-Mansour, Executive Director 213-387-8400 calmansour@housingrightscenter.org


Organization: Armenian Relief Society

Goals Supported: Social services

Location: 517 West Glenoaks Boulevard, Glendale, CA 91202

Contact: Talar Aintablian, Executive Director 818-500-1343


Organization: Family Promise of the Verdugos

Goals Supported: Homelessness, case management, job development

Location: 2406 Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504

Contact: Albert Hernandez, Executive Director 818-847-1547 executivedirector@familypromiseverdugos.org


Organization: Kids Community Dental Clinic

Goals Supported: Health Services

Location: 400 W. Elmwood Avenue, Burbank, CA 91506

Contact: Dale Gorman, Executive Director dale.gorman@att.net


Organization: Burbank Noon Lions

Goals Supported: Senior Health and Social Services

Location: Citywide

Contact: Marva Murphy marvamurphy@earthlink.net


Organization: BCR A Place To Grow

Goals Supported: Services for the Disabled

Location: 230 E. Amherst Drive, Burbank, CA 91504

Contact: Edward Parker edwardp@bcraplacetogrow.org


Organization: Burbank Family YMCA

Goals Supported: Child Development and Enrichment Programs

Location: 332 E. San Jose Avenue, Burbank, CA 91502

Contact: Mary Cutone, CEO mary@burbankymca.org


Organization: Boys and Girls Club

Goals Supported: Youth Services

Location: 2244 N. Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91504

Contact: Shanna Warren, Executive Director shannawarren@bgcburbank.org]


Organization: Family Service Agency

Goals Supported: Mental health, peer support groups, family counseling

Location: 2721 West Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505

Contact: Laurie Bleick, Executive Director 818-845-7671 lauriebjb@yahoo.com


The Burbank Coordinating Council has been serving the community of Burbank since 1933. Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month from October through May at the Little White Chapel located at 1711 North Avon St Burbank, CA 91505. Currently, during the pandemic, meetings will be held online.

For more information on the non-profit BCC and its service to the community of Burbank, to register for an upcoming meeting or join for an annual membership, visit their website at https://www.burbankcc.org/.

Burbank Coordinating Council members include those involved in service clubs, other non-profit organizations, churches and synagogues, studios, scout troops, PTA, PTSAs, Burbank Unified School District, City of Burbank and departments, local businesses and interested individuals and families.

The BCC has organized the annual Holiday Baskets program and Campership Program for decades. The organization also holds an annual Spirit of Giving Luncheon every November to recognize local supporters and volunteers.

For more than 80 years, BCC has collected donations of food and gifts for local families in need and partnered with local organizations to provide Holiday Baskets. In 2018, BCC helped deliver Holiday Baskets to more than 700 families.

The Campership Program has helped Burbank children ages 8 – 18 attend a one week long residential or day camp in the area since 1936. Some of those camps include Burbank Parks and Recreation Camps, Burbank YMCA, Golden State Gymnastics, Forest Home Children’s Camp, YMCA Camp Edwards and LGBTQ Camp. In 2018, BCC was able to send 104 children to summer camp.