Burbank Crime Log – December 22 Edition

Crimes reported by the Burbank Police Department to Crimemapping

The Burbank community has witnessed various forms of criminal activity. The Burbank Police Department has been actively responding to these incidents, which range from DUIs and thefts to assaults and drug violations. Here’s an expanded summary of each reported crime, providing a comprehensive view of the recent crimes:

December 20, 2023

  • Drugs/Alcohol Violations: At the 300 block of S Glenoaks Bl, an incident involving drugs or alcohol violations was reported.

December 19, 2023

  • Theft/Larceny: A late-night theft occurred at the 1300 block of N Victory Pl, highlighting a concerning trend in property-related crimes.
  • Drugs/Alcohol Violations: At the 600 block of Tufts Av, another incident related to drugs or alcohol was reported.
  • Weapons Incident: A concerning weapons-related incident was reported at the 200 block of E Magnolia Bl.
  • Robbery: A midday robbery at the 200 block of E Cypress Av added to the day’s list of serious crimes.
  • Vehicle Break-In/Theft: The 800 block of N Frederic St saw a vehicle break-in/theft, indicating a rise in vehicle-related crimes.
  • Assault: An early morning assault was reported at the 1300 block of W Verdugo Av.
  • Fraud: At the 1000 block of S San Fernando Bl, a fraud incident was reported, adding to the diverse nature of crimes.
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: A vehicle theft took place at the 600 block of E Santa Anita Av.

December 18, 2023

  • DUI Incident: A DUI was reported at N Hollywood Wy/W Verdugo Av, reflecting concerns about impaired driving in Burbank.
  • Multiple Thefts/Larcenies: The 1600 block of N Victory Pl, 1000 block of W Burbank Bl, and the 200 block of N Valley St witnessed several thefts/larcenies.
  • Fraud Incident: Fraudulent activities were reported at the 400 block of E Olive Av.
  • Motor Vehicle Thefts: Vehicles were reported stolen from the 1000 block of S Victory Bl and the 700 block of E Cypress Av.
  • Assault Incident: A reported assault at the 4200 block of W Magnolia Bl highlighted the increasing concern over violent confrontations.

December 17, 2023

  • Burglary: A burglary was reported at the 2800 block of W Magnolia Bl.

December 15, 2023

  • Fraud: The 1500 block of N Maple St was the scene of fraudulent activities.

December 14, 2023

  • Theft/Larceny: Theft reported at the 600 block of N Screenland Dr.

December 10, 2023

  • Fraud: Fraudulent activities occurred at the 1500 block of N Victory Pl.

December 6 and 4, 2023

  • Thefts/Larcenies: The 2800 block of W Magnolia Bl experienced thefts on two separate occasions.

The Burbank Police Department is actively investigating these incidents and has been increasing patrols in affected areas. They urge the community to remain vigilant, report any suspicious activities, and take necessary precautions to safeguard their properties and personal safety. The recent trend of these crimes underscores the importance of community awareness and cooperation with law enforcement efforts to maintain public safety in Burbank.