Burbank DUI Checkpoint Results in Two Arrests, Multiple Citations and Vehicle Impounds


A DUI and driver’s license checkpoint conducted by the Burbank Police Department on Olive Avenue last night resulted in two arrests, several citations, and the impounding of three vehicles. The operation, which ran from 7:20 p.m. on December 14 to 1:00 a.m. on December 15, was held between Pass Avenue and Hollywood Way.

Over 770 vehicles were screened by officers during the checkpoint, with an average wait time of approximately 28 seconds per vehicle. The Burbank Police Department’s Traffic Bureau strategically selected the location based on historical data related to DUI incidents in the area.

The checkpoint yielded the following results:

  • Field Sobriety Tests: 6 drivers were administered field sobriety tests.
  • DUI Arrests: 2 individuals were arrested for driving under the influence.
  • Unlicensed Driver Citations: 5 citations were issued to drivers operating vehicles without a valid license.
  • Suspended License Citations: 2 citations were issued for driving with a suspended license.
  • Vehicle Impounds: 3 vehicles were impounded as a result of the checkpoint.

The Burbank Police Department underscored that the primary goal of these checkpoints is to deter impaired driving and enhance public safety, not to maximize the number of arrests. These operations are part of a larger initiative to minimize alcohol and drug-related traffic collisions within the city. The department regularly conducts DUI checkpoints as a preventative measure, aiming to discourage individuals from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.