Burbank Has Vacancy on Heritage Commission to Fill


The Burbank City Clerk’s Office is accepting applications for the Heritage Commission beginning October 26, 2022 through November 28, 2022. Applications may be submitted online, please visit www.burbankca.gov/bccapplication or pick up an application in the City Clerk’s Office located in City Hall at 275 East Olive Avenue, First Floor. For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (818) 238-5851 or by email at cityclerks@burbankca.gov.

The deadline to submit an application to the Burbank City Clerk’s Office is Monday, November 28, 2022, by 5:00 p.m. Applications may be submitted online at www.burbankca.gov/bccapplication. The appointment is tentatively scheduled to be made at the December 6, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting. All City Board, Commission, and Committee members serve without compensation from the City. No individual shall serve on more than one Board, Commission or Committee at the same time. All applicants must be electors of, and actually lives in the City of Burbank, with the exception of the Burbank Cultural Arts Commission and the Sustainable Burbank Commission. (Per BMC Sections 2-1-405, 2-1-406, 2-1-407)

On October 12, 2021, the Burbank City Council adopted the City of Burbank COVID-19 Employee Vaccination Policy. The Burbank City Council included Board, Commission, and Committee Members in this Policy. Pursuant to the Policy, the City of Burbank now requires all Board, Commission, and Committee Members to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or request either a religious or medical exemption in order to serve on a City Advisory Body. A copy of the Policy and forms can be found on the City Website. Vaccination documentation will not be disclosable to the public.

    Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center


    1. While they are very well-meaning, I would recommend that all Boards and Commissions be moved off the City’s list of expenses (staff time, City attorney time, etc.) and that nonprofits and civic organizations form to take on these responsibilities. This will enhance the benefit and reduce the cost. The purpose of the Police Commission is clearly covered by the Board of Independent Review. The same persons can advise City Council without the need for appointments on Boards and Commissions. These are very expensive to taxpayers. Thousands of hours of staff time are spent on them. With social media, electronic surveys and lower-cost methods of curating community sentiment, these Boards and Commissions are no longer needed. The City is already being advised by many individuals and organizations. These folks can organize and become truly independent voices for good without taxpayers footing the bill for these Boards and Commissions.

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