Burbank High Drama Association presents a contemporary twist on William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing on Thursday and Friday, April 28 and 29.
“It’s all Shakespeare but in modern dress, set near Lake Cahuma, CA, at the Messina Mountain Resort,” explains director and Drama teacher Ted DeVirgilis. “There is a fun 80s party (instead of a traditional Renaissance Masque), lots of great music.”
“A lie breaks apart a loving couple; a lie brings two enemies into love together,” he continued. “People’s worlds spin out of balance as people are afraid of their emotions. Luckily, it’s a Shakespeare comedy so it will work out just fine.”
“My role in Much Ado About Nothing is Beatrice,” says junior Fiona Maeve Czerwinski.”It has been such an incredible honor to be working on this production with such a wonderful cast and with my talented costar Brandon Killham.”
“Everyone’s effort and time has been poured into this production. There is never a dull moment with this crew and every time we do a scene feels like a new and original experience.”
“Of course this production could not be possible without the amazing direction of Ted DeVirgilis, who has really brought out the comedy and ingenious meaning in this production,” she added. “Our tech crew and tech director, Karen Broderick, who have erected eight-foot statues and built towering sets in mere weeks.”
“I am so incredibly honored to be in this hilariously wonderful production and I can’t wait for people to experience a modern production of Shakespeare.”
Curtains rise at 7:00 p.m. for BHS Drama‘s Much Ado About Nothing, on Thursday, April 28, and Friday, April 29, in the high school’s Wolfson Auditorium. Tickets are available at the door or in advance here. Students/Seniors $10 ($5 w/ASB card), Adults $15 and VIP $20.