By Gigi Santoro
Special to BurbankNBeyond
Burbank Baseball Pride was on display once again in our community. Chandler Robbins, Reese Loock, and Ryan Porras (along with a few other volunteers) hand delivered 500 grocery bags, provided by Santoro And Sons Real Estate Group, for a food drive benefiting The Burbank Temporary Aid Center.
Pick up was this past Sunday and the boys were in the community at 9:30 am canvassing the hillside area looking for filled bags. BTAC was so low on food, they opened up, special, for the boys to bring what they had collected on Sunday. They were able to bring over 6 full grocery carts of food on Sunday!
Edward Stapleton, Facilities and Pantry Manager for BTAC, was pleased and impressed at how well the boys did – Edward said, “This is an unusually large collection of food, we are so low on food and really needed this for our pantry.”
Coach Bob Hart was on hand to help unload the collection and praise the boys who took time out of their weekend to help those less fortunate. Coach Hart said, “People are good at taking, but it takes a special person to give back”. The boys got a tour of the facility– things we take for granted like a place to take a shower or do laundry – really hit home for them. We all learned what a great service BTAC is for people in need.
Santoro And Sons Real Estate Group’s next event is in July – we will be collecting donations for Military personnel – Service Men and Women who are stationed overseas. If your son is interested in helping, let us know. The boys that worked on the food drive will be back – it was a rewarding experience for all!