Burbank is Seeking Nominations for the Peter McGrath Older American Volunteer Service Award


During the month of May, the City of Burbank Parks and Recreation Department will celebrate Older Americans Month. A major focus of the month-long celebration is to honor a maximum of three (3) outstanding volunteers for the Peter McGrath Older Americans Volunteer Service Award. One will move on to represent the City of Burbank at the Los Angeles County Commission for Older Adults’ Annual Older Americans Recognition Day in Los Angeles during the month of May (date to be announced). 

This award has been named to honor the legacy of Mr. Peter McGrath. Mr. McGrath was a longtime Burbank resident who was respected throughout the community and served on numerous boards, commissions, and committees. In addition, he was actively involved in a variety of service organizations. He truly embodied the ideals of volunteer service. 

When submitting nomination forms for any outstanding volunteers, please consider the following: 

  • Each nominee must be 60 years of age or older, a Burbank resident, and have volunteered a significant amount of time. 
  • The nominee does not have to be registered as a Burbank Volunteer Program (BVP) Volunteer. 
  • This is a once in a lifetime award. Your submission will be checked to ensure they are eligible and have not won this honor in the past. 
  • The deadline to submit the included Nomination Form is Friday, March 1, 2024. 

For more information and nomination forms, please visit: www.BurbankCA.gov/Adults55 or call the Joslyn Adult Center at (818) 238-5353. 

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