Burbank Kids Enjoy A Visit From The Easter Bunny

Pictured is the egg hunt for kids 7- 10 years old on baseball field # 1 (Photo By Ross A. Benson)

Burbank’s Spring Egg-Stravaganza held on Saturday at McCambridge brought out well over a 1000 people, there were egg hunts, pictures with The Easter Bunny, games, slides and even real bunnies from the Burbank Animal Shelter. The admission was free and there were special prizes given away, and lots of fun.

John McCullough Animal Control Officer was on hand with a rare Angora Bunny they call Mr. Trump (because of the hair problem) for kids to hold and pet. (Photo By Ross A. Benson)
Denise Fleck President of The Volunteer of the Burbank Animal Shelter was with Selena, John McCullough's dog and the Official Animal Shelter Mascot, badge and all. (Photo By Ross A. Benson)
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