Back by popular demand, the 3rd annual community event, the Burbank Nativity Festival, will be held December 6th and 7th, 2014. This event is open to the public and admission is free.
To help capture the spirit of giving this Christmas season, we are teaming up with the Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC). BTAC is dedicated to providing the poor, working poor, and homeless of our local community with basic services they need to live with dignity, and to serve citizens of the city in times of emergency and disaster. Those attending are asked to bring any non-perishable food items or a new unwrapped gift.
The Burbank Nativity Festival is a great way to kick off the Christmas season. Catch the Christmas spirit as you marvel at 100’s of nativities from around the world, including 15 nativities from the private collection of Bob and Dolores Hope. This year, a special section is dedicated for nativities of current and past leaders in the community. One highlight of the festival is the Live Nativity. Step back in time and experience the birth of Christ.
Choirs and Soloists from the community will be performing at different times throughout the festival (see attached performance schedule). Performances include, the Hollytones, featuring BTAC’s CEO Barbara Howell, Walter Reed Middle School, Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, and St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Children’s Choir, and various acts from the Burbank community.
Over the past 2 years, we’ve had approximately 5000 spectators viewing more than 300 nativities. It takes approximately 145 volunteers to make this event happen. We anticipate this year’s participation and attendance to be even higher.
The Festival will take place Saturday, December 6th from 4:00-9:00 pm, and Sunday, December 7th from 5:00-8:00 pm. The location is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 136 N. Sunset Canyon Drive, Burbank, CA 91501. This event is hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Music Program 2014
Saturday, December 6th
4:00 Nativi-Dads Acapella Men’s Chorus
4:30 Fenton Primary Chorus
5:00 Karen Hernandez Cervantes, pianist
6:00 St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Children’s Choir
6:30 Emerson Elementary School Chorus
7:00 Sun Valley Spanish Children’s Choir
7:30 Delanie Finnigan, youth classical guitarist
8:30 Hallelujah Chorus and Community Sing-Along
Sunday, December 7th
5:00 Gretchen and Margaret English, pianist and violinist
5:30 Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Choir
6:00 Walter Reed Middle School Choir
6:30 LDS Burbank Community Choir
7:00 Hollytones featuring Sunny Cannon, Barbara Howell,
Teresa Marasek, and Stephanie Marks
7:30 Hallelujah Chorus and Community Sing-Along