Burbank Police Department Seeks Suspect in Antisemitic Vandalism

Police have identified Klinton Dion as a suspect in a hate crime at Temple Emanu El

The Burbank Police Department is actively seeking 32-year-old Klinton Dion in connection with a series of antisemitic graffiti incidents that occurred over the weekend. Dion, known to frequent Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Temple City, El Segundo, and Los Angeles, is believed to be transient.

The antisemitic graffiti, which included swastikas, an iron cross, and the “SS” Nazi symbol, was applied to several locations. These include the Temple Emanu El located at 1302 N. Glenoaks Blvd, the subterranean garage of an apartment complex in the 400 block of E. Cypress Avenue, and a City of Burbank utility box nearby.

Dion is identifiable by a faint tattoo above his left eyebrow.

This incident follows a disturbing trend of similar antisemitic acts in the Los Angeles area. Earlier this month, antisemitic messages were spray-painted on a wall outside Los Angeles’ famous Canter’s Deli. The graffiti was painted below a mural depicting Jewish history in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Police Department has launched a hate crime investigation into the incident.

In another incident, antisemitic graffiti was found on two businesses in West Hollywood. The words “Hitler was right” and a five-pointed star, possibly an attempt to render a Star of David, were spray-painted on The Bayou WeHo restaurant.

The Burbank Police Department urges anyone with information about Dion or the recent graffiti incidents to come forward. The surge of antisemitic hatred is a cause for concern, and the community is encouraged to remain vigilant.

Anyone with information on DION’s whereabouts is urged to contact Burbank PD or a local law enforcement agency.


    1. As a Jew, I find the recent tsunami of antisemitism to be abhorrent and unconscionable. For thousands and thousands of years, Jews have been the scapegoat of the world. We’ve lived our lives, taught our children and added to the world with our gifts of the arts, medicine, music, education, and almost any other endeavor.

      To be maligned this way is to indicate an utter lack of care or concern for an entire population of hardworking, decent people. This kind of hatred is taught at home, on the internet and by groups whose only purpose is to spread discord and death.

      Time and time again, the uninformed population falls for this kind of hatred. It could be any population that finds itself in this position, but most often, it’s the Jews.

      Antisemitism is inexcusable, abhorrent and unconscionable. It’s time for it to stop.

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