Burbank Police Dept. will hold a DUI Checkpoint on Saturday, Sept. 25

Police DUI Checkpoint on Olive at Lake Street August 28 (Photo by Ross A Benson)

The Burbank Police Department will hold a DUI Checkpoint on Saturday, September 25, 2021, beginning at 7:00 P.M. at an undisclosed location within the city limits.

Locations for DUI checkpoints are chosen based on a history of DUI crashes and arrests. The primary purpose of these checkpoints is not to make arrests, but to promote public safety by deterring drivers from driving while impaired.

During the checkpoint, police officers will be looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment and checking drivers for valid licensing.

The Burbank Police Department would like to remind drivers that impaired driving is not specific to alcohol. Some prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs can also cause impairment and interfere with the ability to drive safely. Always read the warning labels on medications and follow all directions for use.

Marijuana can also cause impairment and lead to a DUI. While medicinal and recreational marijuana use is legal in California, driving while under the influence of marijuana is not.

If you plan to drink alcohol or are using medications that may impact your ability to drive safely, plan accordingly and enlist a designated driver. A DUI can cost drivers an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, as well as a suspended license.

Funding for this checkpoint is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


    1. Compared to the drag racing on Glen Oaks and 3Aug21 death of 3 young people this is a pretty tame operation. Let’s put that money and energy in taming the out of control young drivers /loud mufflers/dark windshields/quick stop-start speeding on 3rd, San Fernando, Glen Oaks/5 Fwy…at times right in front of the police station AND HighSchool where young get educated. What’s the proactive program for that? I haven’t heard anything. Back to complacency until another accident/death. I live by Burbank HS and I can tell you it get’s pretty noisy and when the Burbank Blvd is completed it will be worse. It’s embarrassing. Good luck.

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