Burbank School District Launches Measure S Drive


The Burbank Board of Education has placed Measure S on the March 5, 2013 ballot. Measure S is a general obligation bond to maintain and improve schools.

Friends of the Burbank Schools will host two different events.  On Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Police/Fire Community room located at the corner of Third & Olive Ave.  there will an informational meeting about Measure S. At this meeting you will learn what the bond will cost the taxpayer and what the funds will do for our schools, our city and our children.

Then on Saturday January 12, 2013 at 10:00 am in the Burbank Community Room #104 located in the Community Services Building at 150 N. Third St. a campaign “kick-off” event will be held to launch Measure S.

Please contact the Yes on S campaign at 818-253-1997 or email betterburbankschools@gmail.com if have questions or want to help the campaign.