Burbank Speed Limits on the Rise

Existing Speed Limits in Burbank (Courtesy City of Burbank)

You might get to the store a couple of minutes faster for that dozen eggs after the City Council adopted new speed limits on some of Burbank’s streets.

Burbank’s City Council voted to aprove a second time the raising of some of the limits. The vote on Aug. 25 was 4 to 1 with Emily Gabel-Luddy voting no.

Some portions of San Fernando Blvd, Hollywood Way and Empire will see their speeds increase to 40 mph while Riverside Drive will have it’s speed raised to 35 mph. Pass Ave near Vons will also be raised to 35 mph.

Edison Blvd. will also be moving up with the new speed limit of 30 mph.

New proposed speed limit (Courtesy City of Burbank)
New proposed speed limit (Courtesy City of Burbank)
Existing Speed Limits in Burbank (Courtesy City of Burbank)
Existing Speed Limits in Burbank (Courtesy City of Burbank)
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