Burbank Temple Seeks Gently Used Women’s Clothing, Shoes & Accessories


Burbank Temple Emanu El seeks the community’s help and is looking for donations of gently-used women’s clothing, shoes and accessories. Designer labels are encouraged and the temple has already received donations of Coach, Guess, St. John, Tahari, Feragamo, Oleg Cassini, Escada from temple members. Now the temple is asking for the community’s help. Donated items can be dropped off at Burbank Temple Emanu El office located at 1302 No. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA 91504.

The temple will send a driver in the local community to pick up women’s clothing and accessories after an estate or garage sale, or if a donor is house-bound or there is large amount to be move. All clothing and accessory donations are tax deductible and donor names will be entered in a drawing to win a prize.

“Designer styles are still fashionable the ‘Second Time Around,’” says Joan Kagen, “So while we want gently used women’s items, we are really seeking those designer labels that people will show up for.”

The community is also invited to Burbank Temple Emanu El’s first ever Second Time Around High End Boutique, slated for Sunday, May 6th from 9 am to 3 pm, in the temple social hall.

Sales from the Second Time Around Boutique will help support temple programs and Burbank affiliations. Unsold professional attire will be donated to Dress for Success, a Los Angeles philanthropy outfitting business attire to women returning to the workforce.

Other unsold items will be donated to the Discovery Cancer store in Burbank. The Burbank Temple Emanu El Sisterhood committee putting on this community-wide event, include: Tobi Lippman, Philleen Meskin, Esther Kastan, Ruth Bader, Joyce Feinsibur, Laura Snow and Joan Kagan.

For more information on the Second Time Around Upscale Boutique, contact Laura Snow at 818-307-0271 or laurasnow@protectarps.com, or the BTEE office at 818-845-1734.