The Gang Enforcement Team (GET) has been investigating various tagging crews that have been vandalizing locations in Burbank. GET has focused specifically on a tagging crew that has been vandalizing numerous locations not only in Burbank, but North Hollywood, Sun Valley, Arleta, San Fernando, and Toluca Lake. This same crew has also vandalized numerous places on Caltrans property along Interstate 5 and the 134 freeway corridors.
Based on information collected, members of GET and the Detective Bureau served search warrants on November 3, on members associated with this tagging crew. Two individuals were arrested and nearly 100 pieces of evidence were gathered at their residences.
Devin Dickey, a 20 year-old male, and a 16 year-old female, who both reside in Burbank, were arrested for felony vandalism [594(b)(1) PC].