Burroughs Drama Presents “Dark Of The Moon”

The cast of JBHS Drama's fall 2018 play, "Dark Of The Moon." (Photo Courtesy Guy Myers)

John Burroughs High School Drama department presents Dark of the Moon, based on the folk song “The Ballad of Barbara Allen,” for three shows on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 16, 17 and 18.

Set in the Smoky Mountains, Dark of the Moon tells the story of a witch-boy named John, who falls in love with the beautiful Barbara Allen.

The cast of JBHS Drama’s fall 2018 play, “Dark Of The Moon.” (Photo Courtesy Guy Myers)

After making a deal with two witch doctors so he can become human, John marries Barbara Allen, raises a family and enjoys happiness and being part of the community. However, the mountain witches resent him and want him back and some of the more superstitious townspeople fear him and want him to leave.

“This hauntingly beautiful play carries a message of acceptance,” comments director and Drama department head Guy Myers. “John the witch-boy so badly want to be human, but the townspeople let their fear and their ignorance get the better of them and they don’t want to allow him to be one of them.”

“The show begs people to have a heart and not to blindly follow our leaders, but to think for themselves.”

Photo Courtesy Guy Myers

“My Play Production students this year may be the most talented bunch I’ve ever had, and their energy and commitment are bringing this landscape to life,” added Myers. “The audience is going to love the frightening and creepy witches of the Smoky Mountains and will be tapping their toes to the songs of the mountainfolk until things take a darker turn.”

“This show will certainly entertain audiences while also leaving them with something to think about after the curtain falls.”

Dark of the Moon is a really great play – maybe my favorite that I’ve done at Burroughs,” commented senior Zachary Hagen-Smith, who portrays the Conjur Man. “Not only does it have a compelling plot and characters that, despite being fantastic, are relatable, Dark of the Moon also has this wonderful juxtaposition between humor and tragedy, especially in the village scenes set in real life.”

Photo Courtesy Guy Myers

“Often a particularly horrible moment will be preceded by a very funny one, which really highlights man’s heartlessness and potential for bad. In an age of rising xenophobia I think Dark of the Moon serves as a powerful reminder for the need of empathy and acceptance in society and the horrors that accompany their absence.”

“This is my first time student producing a show, it was definitely a little bit challenging being my first time but it was so much fun and an amazing learning experience!” said senior Alexia Calderon. “This production really gave me the chills – it’s so creepy and the story is told so perfectly. I want to thank Mr.Myers for trusting me with the role of student producer.”

Photo Courtesy Guy Myers

“Playing the town bully, Marvin Hudgens, is a challenge, but it’s been fun to completely alter my chemistry with my cast-mates,” said senior Jack Weerts. “I am grateful to be working with talented actors Paris Stacy (John the Witch Boy) and Claire Flynn (Barbara Allen) in this production.”

“Mr. Guy Myers’ vision and direction always brilliantly brings stories to life. The show is artistic and fun, musical and heartfelt, all the things needed to make a wonderful production!”

Dark of the Moon is hauntingly beautiful and each scene is incredibly well done,” added senior Varonica Haug. “My character, Mrs. Allen, the mother of Barbara Allen, is a some what goofy woman and all she wants is Barbara to get married, but as the show goes she becomes more and more conflicted between the well being of the town and Barbara being happy.”

Photo Courtesy Guy Myers

Dark of the Moon is one of the most beautiful shows I have had the honor of being a part of, any scene with the witches is stunning and haunting and we’ve really captured a great mix of scary yet beautiful. This is a great show with such a powerful message that is not one to miss!”

General admission tickets are $10 for students and seniors and $15 for adults. Advance tickets can be purchased online at jbhsdrama.com. Tickets can also be purchased at the door.

Performances begin at 7:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, November 16 and 17, and at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 18. The John Burroughs High School Auditorium is located at 1920 W. Clark Avenue in Burbank, at the corner of Keystone and Clark.

JBHS Drama can be found on Facebook and Instagram, for more information on the program and additional photos.

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