BUSD Meeting: Superintendent Discussed, Not Named

The meeting lasts less than two hours and is still informative.

(Photo By Ross Benson)

Though a permanent superintendent was discussed in closed session, no formal vote was taken at the most recent Burbank Unified School Board meeting on Thursday night at City Hall, which lasted one hour and 56 minutes.

There were other important matters discussed, including Horace Mann Middle School is not a feasible location for housing at this time and also the hiring of several new school administrators.

Also noted was the retirement of Barbara DeVol, who began her time in Burbank in 2001.

“I am so grateful for her service,” said Steve Ferguson, the BUSD president.

Assistant principals at Burbank High were hired and they are Jennifer Freeman, student services and Dr. Michael Farber, guidance and special education.

Board member Dr. Emily Weisberg spoke about the two.

“How lucky are we? There is an overwhelming sense of optimism,” she said. “These two are champions for all students. Every time more is introduced, I feel so lucky.”

Board member Charlene Tabot also spoke. “Welcome. Glad to have you. You have your team and are rolling in the right direction,” she said.

Ferguson chimed in on the two. “We are so lucky to have you as educators. I appreciate your leadership,” he noted.

Longtime Crescenta Valley High principal Dr. Linda Junge has been hired as assistant superintendent at BUSD and is already making a strong impression.

“You’ve made such a positive impact after just four days,” Weisberg said. 

Two recent deaths were noted and they are local activist and charity worker Roy Wiegand on July 29 and Muir Middle School custodian David Padilla on August 9.

“Roy was always willing to show up for neighborhood rights. We send our sincere condolences. He will be missed,” Ferguson said.

“We celebrate his service,” Ferguson said of the hard-working and well-liked Padilla.

It was also noted that Mr. and Mrs. Kim donated $50,000 to Emerson Elementary School, and it’s to be used however seen fit.

    CBIS DataTax


    1. It is unacceptable that Dr. Hill will be paid a full salary, for a full year after separation. These contracts are a violation of the public trust and entering into such rediculous agreements must stop. Dr. Hill is able-bodied and can secure new employment, and even if he does, taxpayers will continue to pay his salary for the full year. This is not acceptable whatsoever. Other Burbank government employees have such deals which cannot continue and are going to bankrupt our public coffers and result in higher taxes down the road.

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