Caltrans Closes Alameda Offramp for Two Months


As part of the improvements, crews will be removing the existing asphalt pavement on northbound I-5 Alameda Avenue off-ramp and replacing it with concrete pavement. This work will also accommodate the addition of the new carpool lanes for the widening of the freeway. A long-term closure of northbound I-5 eastbound and westbound Alameda Avenue off-ramps will be necessary to complete this work. Sunday, December 9, 2012 through Friday, February 8, 2013   9 p.m. to 6 a.m. (60-day continuous closure).

(See map below for detours.) (Southbound Alameda Avenue off-ramp closure is on-going.)

Caltrans will make every effort to minimize any inconvenience to you. You may hear construction noise, but it will not exceed levels allowed by state and federal regulations.