Caltrans Construction Updates For Coming Days


Work will occur during daytime hours unless otherwise noted.

SR-134 to Magnolia Boulevard

Providencia Bridge: Construct bridge girder seats and core holes for restrainers (devices that hold girders in place) in preparation for girder installation.

Los Angeles River Bridge: Install flashing at metal soundwall.  Remove overhang bracket and k-rail.

Alameda and Western Bridges: Install utility enclosures.

Magnolia Boulevard to Buena Vista Street

Empire I-5 Undercrossing: Construct forms, install rebar and pour abutment walls.

Buena Vista Street Bridge (Winona Bridge): Form backwalls and center span. Strip falsework.

Empire Avenue Railroad Underpass: Erect steel bridge.

Empire Avenue: Construct retaining walls.

Hollywood Way to Buena Vista Street: Construct retaining walls.

Victory Place Undercrossing: Pour deck and cure concrete.

Southbound I-5 On-Ramp/Frontage Road (circus area): Erect batch plant (temporary concrete plant.)

Victory Place: Remove pavement.  Install shoring.

Burbank Western Channel: Place deck panels. Click here for more information.

Soundwalls: Remove existing block soundwalls between Empire Avenue and Cohasset Street

BURBANK WESTERN CHANNEL CAP:  Through mid-October 2016, crews will continue work on the Burbank Western Channel cap project. Please use caution and slow down when driving in the area. Click here for more information.

EMPIRE AVENUE CLOSURE UPDATE: Empire Avenue in Burbank will be closed between Wilson Avenue and Victory Place through November 2016 for bridge construction. Click here for more information.

Construction activities and closures are subject to change.

Closures and Detours

SR-134 to Magnolia Boulevard

+ Through mid-2017 there will be intermittent daytime bike path closures between Riverside Drive and just south of the SR-134 overcrossing in the City of Los Angeles. When the path is closed, a signed detour will direct users to Zoo Drive and Western Heritage Way. See map here.

+ Nighttime southbound I-5 closures on September 8, 11, and 12 from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.:

  • Up to two lanes closed between Western Avenue and SR-134
  • Western Avenue on-ramp

Magnolia Boulevard to Buena Vista Street

Up to two lanes closed on northbound I-5 between Burbank Boulevard and Buena Vista Street from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

+ Full closure of Empire Avenue between Wilson Avenue and Victory Place through November 2016. Work hours will be from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., primarily Monday through Friday. The closure will remain in place 24/7. A detour will be posted. Click here for more information.

+ Intermittent nighttime lane closures on southbound I-5 between Hollywood Way and Burbank Boulevard.

Intermittent nighttime ramp closures at southbound Buena Vista Street off-ramp and southbound Burbank Boulevard off-ramp.

+ Buena Vista Street closures between Winona Avenue and San Fernando Boulevard:

  • Night closures: Full closures from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
  • Day closures: Intermittent lane closures in both directions from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The street will remain open to motorists.