Candidates Report Money Raised and Spent With a Week to Go Before Election


Editor’s Note: The campaign amounts for both James L. Morrison and Michael Morgan in the school board race were transposed and have now been corrected. Furthermore, the candidates have asked for the loan amounts that they have supplied to the campaigns also be disclosed, so we added those on the bottom.

Burbank candidates did their final filings before the November 8 election this past week.

Candidates have been busy raising money to get their voices heard, lawn signs made and distributed, and setting up meet and greets in the community.

Here is what each City Council Candidate has raised and spent to this point. All candidates have filed paperwork on time. (Candidates listed in the order they appear on the ballot):

Burbank City Council

CandidateMoney Raised*Money Spent*
Nikki Perez$35,925.58$30,017.26
Tamala Takahashi$14,652.00$18,531.44
Sharon Springer$30,973.00$27,302.34
Zizette Mullins$72,722.35$28,762.02
Carmenta Helligar$8,491.82$3,096.78
*Source: Most Recently Filed California Form 460

Since the School Board has decided to have the County of Los Angeles handle their election instead of the City of Burbank, information is a little harder to get a hold of. The second Form 460 filing was due last week, and it is not known if the candidate missed the filing or the County has not yet posted it.

Burbank Board of Education

CandidateMoney Raised*Money Spent*
Larry Applebaum$2,913.00#$1,920.02#
Abby Pontzer Kamkar$19,424.00$14,442.00
Charlene Tabet$0.00**$0.00**
Brian J. Smith$8,236.00$6,273.66
James L Morrison$2,840.00#$304.00#
Michael Morgan$0.00**$0.00**
Harutyun Ketikyan$0.00**$0.00**
*Source: Most Recently Filed California Form 460
#Only the first Form 460 displayed
**Has not filed Form 460/County has not disclosed as of 11/1

Three candidates are fighting for the City Clerk’s seat. All three have filed their latest forms

Burbank City Clerk

CandidateMoney Raised*Money Spent*
Kimberley Clark$9,065.85$4,773.67
Jamal El-Amin$6,063.18$5,978.66
Viviana Garzon$24,988.48$26,130.47
*Source: Most Recently Filed California Form 460

^Campaign Loans: The following candidates have loaned themselves the following amounts per their filings through 10/22/22;

City Council: The following candidates loaned themselves money:

  • Nikki Perez, $3,000
  • Sharon Springer, $4,500
  • Carmenita Helligar, $500

City Clerk: The following candidates loaned themselves money: 

  • Kimberley Clark, $3,023
  • Viviana Garzon, $19,100

^School Board candidate’s information not available

    CBIS DataTax