UMe Schools
Urban Press Winery
Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center

Burbank Coordinating Council Shares List Of Pandemic Resources

The Burbank Coordinating Council has released a list of local, county and state services and information to support members of the Burbank community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Burbank Noon Rotary Honors Student for Heartwarming Veterans Tribute with Post-it Note Flag

Monterey High's Sara Gregori wins Rotary's monthly honor.

Zonta Club of Burbank Area Presents Its Second Virtual LUNAFEST

the Zonta Club of Burbank Area will once again present this unique and popular festival of films by, for and about women

Kiwanis Club of Burbank’s 2023 Annual Gala Brought Magic to the Houdini Estate

On March 25th, The Kiwanis Club of Burbank held the “Magic of Kiwanis” 2023 annual gala at the mystical and enchanting Houdini Estate in Los Angeles. Through tickets, donations, and auctions, the event took in over $97,000 which will be contributed to the Burbank Kiwanis Club Foundation for their philanthropic work in the community.

Zonta Burbank to Host Free Forum on Protecting Minors from Online Exploitation

Jan. 27 Zonta Club forum will inform parents how to shield kids from online exploitation.

Burbank Schools and Human Relations Council Team Up to Fight Hate

Burbank schools and BHRC partner to promote unity, respect, and kindness against hate.

Zonta Club of Burbank Area to Present Its First Virtual Lunafest

Tickets Still Available for the May 22 Film Festival By, For, and About Women

Burbank Noon Rotary Adds New Paul Harris Fellows in Honor of Pete Mcgrath’s Memory

Pete’s daughter Peggy Christ and his longtime dear friend (and past-Rotarian) Katherine Richards were both honored by being named Paul Harris Fellows (PHF) in memory of Pete.

Boys & Girls Club of Burbank Hosts Kentucky Derby Style Fundraiser Gala “Run For...

The prestigious Lakeside Golf Club in Toluca Lake was filled with heirloom elegance as guests enjoyed the Kentucky Derby themed gala “Run For the Roses,” hosted by the Boys and Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley (BGCB).

Burbank Police and Walmart Unite for Annual Shop with a Cop Event

In a heartwarming display of community spirit, the Burbank Police Department joined forces with Walmart and the Burbank Housing Corporation to bring holiday joy to local youth in need.

BUSD: Burroughs Has New Vice Principal, While School Counselors Recognized

The meeting went well and there were several key moments.

Burbank City Council: Solar Net Billing Program Approved, Fire Chief Speaks

Council approves new solar net billing system - Fire Chief gives updates about Burbank after the winds.

Burbank Opens Applications for Infrastructure Oversight Board for an Additional Month

Due to a lack of applicants, the City Council decided to extend the window for applying another month