FLASHBACK FRIDAY: “St. Joes” A Burbank Icon
Chances are if you were born in Burbank your birth certificate came from Saint Joseph’s Hospital.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Burbank Badminton
Once upon a time in Burbank it was a big time team and individual sport
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Will The Real “Burbank” Please Stand Up!
Dr. Burbank decided to do a little prospecting and ended up(1866) with a large ranch where Warner Brothers back lot is today
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Burbank and the Railroad
In the teens and early 1920’s crossing the tracks was taking your life in your own hands type of affair!
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: “I Want to Ride My Bicycle” – Burbank Style
I remember one of the most stressful times of my young life was to go to the bicycle rider training and having my bicycle safety checked at the Fire Station Headquarters on Olive Avenue
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Shaft in Burbank
Wah Wah Pedals were made right here in Burbank by Tel-Ray Electronics on Victory Blvd.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Portal of the Folded Wings
Early on a Cemetery was built with a large shrine erected called the “Portal of the Folded Wings” where aviators can be laid to rest
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Kindergarten, Burbank Style !
A recent find given to us, details all that the district information for parents to help their children to have a successful Kindergarten learning experience
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Burbank Kids in Historical Photos
It is always fun to see kids being kids and what it was like to be a kid in Burbank in the decades since the city began
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Burbank’s Big Model Contest During World War II
Prizes and trophies were awarded and it was “Big Doings” at Olive Rec here in town