UMe Schools
Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Burbank’s Original Library

On Olive ave. where part of Bellermine Jefferson High School has the end of its building once stood the original main Library for Burbank


The Burbank Merchants developed a 56 page booklet that contained a complete history of Burbank from the Rancho Days to the present (1928) with many pictures

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Welcome to Burbank!

You always knew when you has made it back home to Burbank

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Remembering Burbank’s Sacrifice for Our Country

Each Memorial Day the names of those who were lost are read aloud and a Red Rose placed on their monument to assure that their names ring out in our city once again so their sacrifice is not forgotten

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Burbank’s Own Song

If you would like to hear a performance of this home town song I will be giving a slide presentation this Saturday afternoon at the Burbank Historical Society Gordon Howard Museum at Olive Rec at 2 pm.

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Burbank Was Once Wine Country

At one time the Hillsides of the Verdugo’s were covered in grape arbors

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: The Beach Boys Burbank Connection

All of this was brought about by Burbank High School Drill team member and super loyal student Jodi Gable

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Andrew Jergens Plant

e all told time the same way by the sound of the Jergens Plant break and main steam whistles

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Burbank’s First Real School Building

It had a belfry or bell tower which housed the bell that called the boys and girls of the community to school each morning

Burbank Police Log: January 20 – January 26

Individuals arrested by the Burbank police.

Burbank Tutoring Business Donates Books to Fair Oaks Academy Destroyed in Eaton Fire

Success Tutoring Online Donates Books, Supplies, and Online Resources to Fair Oaks Academy After Devastating Eaton Canyon Fire