Opinion: City Council Wants Public Input, But Not That Much Input When it Matters
City Council wants your input and engagement - just not as much and only when they want it
Opinion: Enough of Thoughts and Prayers, Time for Thoughts and Actions
In Burbank, it may be easier to buy a weapons of war than to find baby formula with 14 Firearm Dealers within a five mile radius
Op Ed: Ensuring Burbank’s Residents Continue to Have Access to Safe, Clean Water
"Since Burbank has no water rights, we must import all our water, purchasing treated and untreated water from Metropolitan Water District"
Op Ed – Moving Toward Greenhouse Gas Compliance and Ensuring Burbank’s Residents Continue to...
While proposed increases can be difficult for some community members, it is never our desire to charge more than we need to...
Opinion: Despite Cuts and Financial Woes, School Board Wants to Give Superintendent a Raise
Despite District downsizing and cutting programs. Giving high level raises in a time of financial uncertainty is disgraceful.
Opinion: It is Time to Add a New Subject to the ‘Talks’
It is time that parents add a new 'talk' in raising their young adult. They need to discuss mortality and speeding in vehicles
OPINION: Burbank Needs to Tell Metro to Rethink Their Wheels
Metro is asking Burbank's permission to remove a lane of traffic on Olive Ave between Lake and Buena Vista for dedicated bus ways
OPINION: Burbank Leaders Need to Disclose Lawsuit Settlement Payouts to Public Without Having to...
According to the City, they only disclose payouts from lawsuits only if someone 'requests' the information
Opinion: Time to End Virtual City Council Meetings
It is time for the City Council to join the School Board and end the virtual meetings instead of voting to continue them
Opinion: Doing Nothing About Vaccine Mandate is Not a Show of Leadership
The City Council made it clear that nothing was the best action.