This Week’s City Council Roundup: 3/2/2021
The Burbank City Council met virtually on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 and opened the meeting in adjournment of retired Burbank Fire Captain, Guy Thompson, who served the Burbank Fire Department for 33 years. Mayor Bob Frutos proceeded with some announcements to the public including an online community workshop for the Burbank Housing Element hosted by the Community Development Department on February 27th from 11:00am-12:30pm.
Schultz Named to Southern California Association of Governments’ Community, Economic and Human Development Committee
The role of the CEHD Committee is to study problems, programs and other matters, which pertain to the regional issues of community, economic and human development and growth
This Week’s City Council Roundup: 2/23/2021
The Burbank City Council held a meeting virtually on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 and started the meeting with the adjournment of Tom LaBonge who passed away on January 7, 2021. LaBonge served the City of Los Angeles for 40 years and was an LA City Councilmember for the 4th District from 2001 to 2015.
Council Votes to Revoke Tinhorn Flats Conditional Use Permit
On Monday, February 22, 2021 the Burbank City Council held a four and a half hour long public hearing in consideration to revoke, suspend, or modify the Conditional Use Permit for Tinhorn Flats Saloon & Grill located at 2623 W Magnolia Blvd. Staff recommended to adopt a resolution to revoke the permit for violating the conditions of approvals numbers 31 and 32, violating the Burbank Municipal Code, and creating a public nuisance.
This Week’s City Council Roundup: 2/9/2020
The Burbank City Council held a virtual joint meeting with the Police Commission on Tuesday, February 9th, 2021. The meeting pushed past midnight putting the council members in overtime, and the majority of the meeting was spent in discussion of the recommendations to council from the Police Commission as well as callers in the public comment portion of the joint meeting.
City Council, Police Commission to Conduct Joint Meeting Tuesday Night
The Council will also hold a Joint Meeting with the Burbank Police Commission to go over their recommendations starting at 4 pm
Meet the Mayor: Get to Know Bob Frutos
Mayor Bob Frutos originally joined the Burbank City Council in May of 2013 under the campaign of neighborhood empowerment, community engagement, and a fresh perspective on the current ongoing problem with our city. Now serving his second term as Mayor during his time on Council, Mayor Frutos still holds true to those values he started with.
This Week’s City Council Roundup: 1/26/2021
The Burbank City Council met virtually on Tuesday, January 26th, 2021 and opened the meeting with the adjournment of Elaine DeVinna Crane Baird who passed away at the age of 100 in November 2020. Elaine, who was known professionally as Kay Morley, was one of the original Goldwyn glamour girls and appeared in multiple western movies where she showed off her talent with horses.
City Council to Consider Retaining ‘Mask Police’ Through May 2021
Council will consider spending an additional $100,000 to keep mask enforcement through May, 2021
This Week’s City Council Roundup 1/12/2021
The Burbank City Council met virtually on Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 and opened the meeting with the adjournment of retired City of Burbank Fire Engineer, Alan Moore. Moore passed away in October of 2020 after a two year battle with cancer. Moore was a Burbank High School graduate of 1968 who then served the US Army in the Vietnam War before joining the Burbank Fire Department in 1981.