It’s the first month of the new year and the Burbank City Council met on Thursday afternoon for two hours to discuss and set goals for the rest of the year.
All five members were present and included Mayor Nikki Perez, Vice Mayor Tamala Takahashi, Member Konstantine Anthony, Member Zizette Mullins and Member Christopher John Rizzotti.
The City Council is a leadership team working together for the good of the community and works together as a team because they:
1) Work together: Listen, participate and interact respectfully. 2) Professionalism: Demonstrate respect and positivity. 3) Communication and transparency: Share information appropriately and communicate effectively to each other, staff and the public.
The City Manager, Justin Hess, and key management are responsible for ensuring these values are implemented at all levels of the organization.
Of course, there is the city council code of conduct and includes: 1) Ethics: Act in the public interest and comply with the spirit and letter of the law. 2) Conduct: Respect each other, members of the public and city staff. 3) Implementation: Code is self-enforcing by each individual member. 4) Enforcement: Enforced by the city council as a body. 5) Process: Complaints that are brought forward at a public meeting.
With regard to city services: 1) Recruit and retain high caliber employees. 2) Maintain a balanced and general fund budget and robust reserves. 3) Develop long term financial goals. 4) Expand concierge services.
“City services are what makes Burbank shine,” said Takahashi.
With respect to economic development: 1) Diversify economic base. 2) Create incentives to attract and retain media and studio partners and enhance relationships with existing companies. 3) Complete outstanding specific plans. 4) Improve business retention and encourage the addition of high-quality unique retail and restaurants. 5) Increase visitor serving amenities to attract tourism associated with Elevate Burbank such as the 2028 Olympics, World Cup and Super Bowl.
With regard to housing: 1) Evaluate reasonable renter protections and disseminate effective public information to the community. 2) Increase supply of housing units. 3) Analyze opportunities to rezone vacant commercial properties. 4) Encourage and incentivize mixed-use developments. 5) Collaborate with partners to effectively address and reduce homelessness.
With respect to public safety: 1) Encourage emergency preparedness and resiliency throughout the community. 2) Enhance regional coordination with partner agencies to be prepared for a major disaster. 3) Maintain staffing of police and departments and increase appropriately as the city grows. 4) Launch a community service officers’ program. 5) Enhance mental health evaluation team service.
With respect to quality of life: 1) Increase safety for residents by adding lighting and security cameras in public spaces. 2) Increase the number of community events. 3) Increase visibility, support and access to arts and creative endeavors.
Regarding sustainability and resiliency: 1) Integrate solar power in new developments. 2) Consider restrictions on the use of landscape equipment. 3) Require 100 percent electrification of new construction. 4) Encourage installation of additional electrical vehicle charging stations.
With regard to transportation: 1) Coordinate efforts with the development of high-speed regional rail. 2) Encourage bus rapid transit systems. 3) Prioritize multi-modal transportation systems including bike lanes and safe walking paths.