City Council to Bring Back Walmart Questions on February 21

Burbank City Council Chambers were packed with those for and those against Walmat, staff was instructed to come back with more information for the Councilmembers. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)

Burbank’s City Council took up the Walmart issue on Tuesday night to a packed Council Chamber and many questions went unanswered.  The question will be brought up again at the February 21 meeting.  Expect residents who object to the project as well as Walmart supporters to be back in force again.  One of the big questions that went unanswered is Walmart a grocery store and what percentage of the store will be dedicated to selling groceries.

Burbank City Council Chambers were packed with those for and those against Walmat, staff was instructed to come back with more information for the Councilmembers. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)