City Councilman Gary Bric endorses Bob Frutos for Burbank City Council.


City Council Member Gary Bric has now endorsed Bob Frutos for Burbank City Council.

Frutos has also have received the endorsement of Former Burbank Mayors; Mary Lou Howard, Marsha Ramos and Jef Vander Borght and Ted Bunch, Board Member, Burbank Unified School District.

“Bob Frutos has a lifelong record of serving the public good; and he has served us with integrity and distinction. He knows our neighborhood issues, understands City government and wants to make Burbank even better. “ commented Marsha Ramos

“As a 20 year – Burbank resident, I understands the issues that matter to our community. I have served in Law Enforcement for 26 years and I have worked effectively with residents, the business community and neighborhoods. I am proud to have been appointed twice to the Burbank Police Commission and the City Charter Review Committee. I will bring experience and dedication to the deliberations and decision-making of the city council. I care about our schools, the youth and the future of Burbank. Burbank needs fresh eyes and perspectives on its problems and its future. “Community—and everything it means—is my continuing priority” said Frutos in a prepared statement.