City of Burbank Declares a State of Local Emergency


The City of Burbank has declared a State of Local Emergency as a precaution against the Coronavirus pandemic.

As of this writing California has 198 cases of Coronavirus [COVID-19] and 4 deaths from the illness. Three new community transmitted cases have been reported by the Los Angles County Department of Health, one person is hospitalized. This brings the total in the county to 32 which include four in Long Beach and one in Pasadena. Although no cases have been reported in the City of Burbank, as a precaution, the City has announced it will be canceling various city events and recreation locations. Burbank’s first responders, and the Hollywood Burbank Airport have implemented protocols and procedures to prevent the virus spreading to employees and the public.

While working closely with their Emergency Operations team and the county health department, the City is monitoring the CDC and the World Health Organization [WHO] for information on the Coronavirus. Burbank will also be complying with Governor Newsom’s directive that large gatherings of 250 people not be held. The City has announced several actions will be taken in order to protect the public from the virus. Events of more than 250 attendees occurring before March 31 will be suspended including the Egg-Sight-Ment in the Wild on March 29, Youth Art Expo Opening Reception on April 2 and 3 and the Spring Egg-Stravaganza on April 11. The parks and recreation is closing the Tuttle Senior Center beginning March 13, and The Joslyn Adult Center will remain open with programs, classes and events suspended. Starting March 13, all City sports and aquatics programs will be suspended until the end of the month. For a complete list of suspensions and cancellations go to the city’s website

First responders are ready for any Coronavirus contacts. The Burbank Fire Department has been prepared for years. Protocols were created for the SARS, Swine Flu, and the Bird Flu outbreaks, plus the department trains for infections. A list of questions can be used to determine if a person has the illness. Refresher courses were also mandated for the firefighters due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Burbank Police Department will use gloves and masks for any contact with a potentially infected person. Inmates and arrestees at the jail are being monitored for any symptoms of the virus. A health screening is standard procedure for all arrestees. 

Hollywood Burbank Airport is coordinating with the Burbank Emergency Management and the county health department to best deal with the outbreak. The airport has its janitors constantly cleaning bathrooms and frequently touched areas such as railings and doorknobs. Hand sanitizers have also been placed throughout the airport. Screening of passengers for virus symptoms are not being done by the airport. The TSA confirmed on Wednesday three TSA officers who work at Mineta San Jose International Airport have tested positive for the Coronavirus, but all screening sites are still open.

There is no cure or vaccine for the Coronavirus. The best way to prevent contracting the virus is to avoid exposure to the illness. Coronavirus is believe to spread by close contact with an infected person. When a person infected with the virus coughs or sneezes, respiratory droplets can enter the mouths, or noses, or can be inhaled by persons nearby. The elderly and people with serious chronic illness are at highest risk. The CDC website lists potential symptoms of the virus including: fever, cough and shortness of breath. Seek immediate medical attention if these emergency symptoms occur: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake up, or bluish lips or face.

            Burbank Coronavirus information and recommendations on how to avoid the illness are posted on additional links to information on the virus are listed below.

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