The City of Burbank Planning Division will be holding a community meeting on May 23rd to consider a Development Review, Administrative Use Permit, and Parking Determination application for a proposed project at 1105 Riverside Drive by LILA School.
The project is to operate a private school for grades 6-12 on the site of the former GM Training Center. The school is proposing to move into the existing building and develop athletic fields over a portion of the existing parking lot.
If you want to participate or find out more information:
-Call the project planner, Ann Wuu, at 818-238-5250
-Email the project planner at awuu@ci.burbank.ca.us
-View documents related to this project at the Planning office at 150 N. Third Street, Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM.
-Attend a community meeting to discuss the project on Wednesday, May 23rd at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the community room at the Buena Vista Library located at 300 North Buena Vista Street in Burbank.
No decision on the project will be made at this meeting. A Planning Board hearing to decide this matter will be held at a later date. A separate notice will be sent 20 days prior to that hearing.