City of Burbank Potential Local Rent Cap Online Feedback Platform Now Available

Burbank launched an online feedback form residents can use to learn more about a potential local rent cap in Burbank and provide their opinions.

This form will allow anyone who can’t attend the City’s upcoming in-person and virtual meetings to provide their input online at their own convenience.

The City understands that, due to a variety of factors, not all residents can or want to attend a live meeting. Residents and landlords are encouraged to provide feedback through our online feedback platform. The online form provides a similar level of information and input opportunities to the in-person and virtual meetings. The form is also available in Spanish and Armenian. 

Please only submit the form once. 

Through the website and the online feedback form, residents can learn about:

Existing state-level protection under the California Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482)
Local tenant protections put into place by the City Council over the last 18 months
Ideas for a potential local rent cap
Enforcement and administration of any potential local rent cap

Residents can access the online feedback form and information about the public meetings at
For questions, please contact us via email at
    BurCal Apartments8715