City of Burbank Selects Dawn Roth Lindell as New General Manager for Burbank Water and Power

Dawn Roth Lindell

The City of Burbank has selected Dawn Roth Lindell as the new General Manager for Burbank Water and Power, replacing Jorge Somoano who is retiring this month. Ms. Roth Lindell has more than 25 years of experience in leadership and has worked in executive positions for utilities based in both Colorado and California. She was named as one of Colorado’s Top Women in Energy this past year.

Dawn Roth Lindell

Most recently, Roth Lindell served as the Senior Vice President and Rocky Mountain Regional Manager for the Western Area Power Administration in Lakewood, Colorado where she has worked since 2013. There, she set strategic direction for more than 400 federal and contract employees of the Rocky Mountain Region for power marketing in 4 states, grid maintenance in 6 states and grid operation in 10 states with a $400 million+ annual budget.

“We are sad to see Jorge leave and wish him well in his retirement. He has served the community of Burbank well,” said City Manager Justin Hess. “At the same time, we are extremely excited to have enticed Ms. Roth Lindell to come to Burbank. Her credentials are impeccable, and we believe she will be a great fit for BWP and lead them to further success.”

“I look forward to becoming part of the Burbank family and continuing the BWP legacy of providing incredible service along with low rates to our customers,” says Roth Lindell.

Roth Lindell will start on November 9, 2020.

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