City Officials and Mayor Talamantes Take A Sneak Peak in Time Capsule


Photo By Ross A. Benson

Mayor Jess Talamantes and the committee members getting ready for Burbank’s Centennial Celebration opened the time capsule placed in front of City Hall during the City’s Diamond 75th Jubilee. To ensure that none of it’s contents had been ruined by the water or other problems, it’s contents were inspected and will be replaced for it’s grand opening on July 8th. The contents will then be put on public display. Some of the items that were recovered were pictures of Burbank taken by our own BurbanknBeyond Chief Photographer Ross A. Benson back in 1986, also inside were letters from then President Ronald Reagan, and several other politicians, video’s, master plans from both Police and Fire Departments, and a host of other goodies.

Photos (then and now) By Ross A. Benson