On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, the Parks and Recreation Department (Department) held a check presentation ceremony from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Assemblymember Laura Friedman joined local leaders during the event to present a $1.5 Million check, which will assist in funding the renovation of the McCambridge Pool.
The McCambridge Pool, bathhouse, and mechanical room were originally constructed in 1955 and are owned, operated, and maintained by the City of Burbank (City). Today this 11,000 square foot, 397,000 gallons facility continues to operate with little changes since its inception.
In 2022 a comprehensive facility needs assessment was conducted by Jones & Madhavan, Architecture Engineering. Additionally, the Departments began community engagement efforts to determine the growing and diverse needs of our residents.
“The City’s vision for the McCambridge Pool is to develop a comprehensive swimming facility with innovative and diverse programs that allow individuals of all ages and ability levels, families, and athletes to participate in swimming and physical fitness activities that will improve quality of life, health outcomes, and will build a thriving community,” said Marisa Garcia, Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Director for the City of Burbank. “The Department is grateful for Assemblymember Laura Friedman’s contributions to this vision.”
“Public swimming pools are more than just a place to cool off on a hot summer day. They’re core pieces of our childhood and the epicenter of our community when the sun turns up the heat. I was so happy to secure $1.5 million for the McCambridge Pool renovation. McCambridge is a point of pride in our community and I’m excited at the new life this money will give them and the opportunities it will give the next generation to enjoy McCambridge,” said Assemblymember Laura Friedman.
Through facility renovations like this, the Parks and Recreation Department aims to ensure everyone in Burbank has a fair opportunity to live an active, healthy lifestyle through equal access to quality parks, trails, facilities, and recreation amenities.
More information on drop-in sports can be found at https://www.burbankca.gov/parks-recreation or by calling 818-238-5300.