Steve Ferguson’s campaign for the Burbank School Board announced the endorsement of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party.
Requiring support of 60% of the party in order to be endorsed, Ferguson earned the endorsement overwhelmingly with 107 votes out of the total 147 votes cast. Burbank School Board candidates Charlene Tabet and David Dobson, who received 46 and 57 votes respectively, suffered greatly when their support from Charter School Super PACs was brought to light.
“It was clear that Steve Ferguson had the support of his community and that the other candidates had the support of charter school interests. I was proud to vote for him,” said Daniel Lopez who serves as President of the Los Angeles County Young Democrats and as a member of the County Party.
Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair and California Democratic Party Vice Chair Eric Bauman issued the following statement about the endorsement, “Steve Ferguson is a true progressive who will stand up for our kids, and protect Burbank’s Schools from those who would privatize them and forever change our community. The Los Angeles County Democratic Party is proud to support Steve Ferguson – the only candidate who has earned our support for Burbank School Board.
Ferguson replied by saying, “I am sincerely grateful for the support of my party and of my party’s Chairman. This support will be essential as I continue to reach out to the voters of this community in this historic race.”