Former Candidate Throws Support to Aghakhanian


When I ran for a seat on the Burbank School Board, I did so primarily to help our community grow the legacy we plan on leaving our kids. I want to see parents empowered in the decision making process by actually implementing the word “Local” in the Local Control Funding Formula. I envision school staff and teachers who feel appreciated and valued as the gatekeepers to our children, which is why I continue to vigorously advocate for strong, respectable compensation and benefits for all employees. I envision a bold and forward thinking K-12 School District proactively engaged in our community affairs and neighborhoods; A place where our kids have access and opportunities that neighboring cities would be envious of and seek to replicate.

After our primary, I humbly vowed to continue working to achieve this legacy under the stewardship of our newly elected and reelected School Board members Steve Ferguson and Roberta Reynolds; that’s why I’m endorsing a man who has given much of his life to our community and education at large: Armond Aghakhanian.

Armond will work to protect the safety of our students and staff, and help shine some badly needed sunlight on our budget processes. He is an educator by trade, and well versed in the nuances of our complicated education system. I also believe he will work well with the current board, but independent enough to go against them if he has to, because he has political courage; a quality not lost on those who’ve grown weary of do-nothing politicians.

Please join me in supporting Armond for School Board, and help Burbank build on its legacy.

Jesse Tangkhpanya