FRIDAY FLASHBACK: A Taste of Burbank


From the early 1920’s to the late 40’s early 50’s you could walk down the canned goods isle in your favorite super market and find all sorts of fine canned food items from Burbank’s McKeon and Libby canning companies.

McKeonBoth were located near the Railroad tracks for ease of shipping their products to the rest of the U.S. and also local retail stores.

Much of the Produce grown locally was sold to the canning companies for processing and canning. A Win-Win for local farmers and the companies packing the goods in cans.

Burbank Brick Oven Baked Beans were “Just like Grandmother Used To Make!” said the young girl on the back of the label. It was also recommended to be eaten with their canned Brown Bread! Yum!

image00220Libby Canning had their plant on the railroad tracks on Verdugo road and McKeon was near the tracks at Alameda Ave. Both produced products that were good and desired by shoppers across the country.

So next time you see the old Ad that says “If it says Libby’s Libby’s, Libby’s on the label, label, label, it came from BURBANK, BURBANK, BURBANK to your table, table, table.”

FYI. Old Burbank can labels make great framed art for your kitchen!

Get your Copy of Lost Burbank Now!
lost-in-burbank-book-coverSlowly fading with the city’s ever-changing landscape, the places and people of Burbank’s past tell a vibrant story. Before the arrival of Warner Bros. and Walt Disney, First National Pictures built  its original studio lot on Olive Ave in 1926. For over sixty years, Lockheed Aircraft Company produced some of the nation’s best airplanes where the massive Empire Shopping Center now stands. Heavyweight champion James Jeffries turned his Burbank ranch home and barn into a beloved landmark and boxing venue. Inventor Joseph Wesley Fawkes’s scheme to build a monorail to Los Angeles became a local laughingstock.  Diehard Burbankers Wes Clark and Michael Mc Daniel collect these and many more forgotten local stories where they can finally be found. 

Click HERE to Order Yours Now!

The authors will be doing a Multi Media presentation and book signing at the Buena Vista Library on November 30th at 7 pm. They will have a signing event at the AUTOBOOKS store on Magnolia Saturday December 3 From 10 am to 2 pm.